ExtractNow Help
Written by Nathan Moinvaziri
Go to the ExtractNow Website
Last Modified June 19th, 2001
Main Window - File View
Main Window - History View
Settings Window
Browse For Folder Window
Create New Folder Window
Nathan Moinvaziri
Phoenix, Arizona


Main Window - File View  

The main window is where everything happens in the program. From here you can extract files on the fly or perhaps change program settings

1. Shows the List of Files to Extract. All files listed here will be extracted. Dragging files or folders from explorer and onto this window will add them to the list of files to extract
2. Switches between the File View and the History View
3. Opens an e-mail to the author of the program
4. Open a Web Browser that goes to the ExtractNow website
5. Shows the Settings Window where you can change all program settings
6. Removes the selected files from the List of Files to Extract control. Does not physically remove them from your hardrive
7. Extracts all the files in the List of Files to Extract control
8. Shows the extraction progress of each individual file
9. Shows the extraction progress of all the files that were in he List of Files to Extract control
10. Basically this is a status bar, that is used in History View


Main Window - History View  

Shows the operations that have been preformed by the program.

1. Shows the history of the extraction processes that have been completed
2. Writes the history to a text document in and opens the log folder to which the text document was created in
3. Clears all the history from the History List

Used for general status information
Used when file has been extract successfully
Used when directory has been created
Used when an error of any kind occurs

Misc. Everything else can be found in the Main Window - File View


Settings Window  

Allows you to change the program's extraction settings.

1. After extraction is complete, the history view will automatically be shown if this option is selected.
2. Adds explorer right-click context menus for ZIP, ACE, and RAR files. (See Right-Click Shell Integration)
Favorite Folder
3. If this option is selected, all files that are extracted will be extracted to the path selected.
4. Enabled if the Automatically Archives into Folder option is selected. Shows the path to extract the archives to
5. Will extract files from each archive to the location where the archive is. c:\windows\x.zip extracts into -> c:\windows\
!= 4 || 5. If neither option 4 or 5 is chosen, then the user is asked which folder to extract the selected files into. More..
6. Extracts each archive into their own folder. c:\windows\x.zip extracts into -> c:\windows\x\
7. Gives the option to or not to automatically overwrite existing files when extracting archives. Checked = overwrite files, Unchecked = do not overwrite files
8. Shows these help files
9. Expands or contracts the settings dialog to show or not show the File Masking Section

File Masking - Masks Not to Extract
Allows you to weed out any unwanted types of files. If for example you did not want to extract ANY files with the word 'sex' in their file names, you just add the mask, "sex" or "*sex*" (which are treated the same), to the List of Masks not to Extract
10. Shows the List of Masks not to Extract
11. Where masks are entered
12. Adds the entered mask into the List of Masks not to Extract
13. Deletes the selected masks from the List of Masks not to Extract


Browse For Folder Window  

Selects a folder for extraction of archived contents into.

1. Shows the full path of the directory selected in the Directory Tree
2. Directory Tree that shows the hierarchy of the file system on the installed computer.
3. Allows the creation of a specified folder under the directory selected in the Directory Tree (See Create New Folder Window)
4. Expands and contracts the Extract Archives into their own Name Folder option
5. Extract Archives into their own Name Folder option (same option as the one in the Settings Window). If selected, then it will apply for all archives extracted. c:\windows\x.zip is the archive name and if Ok were pressed then it would extract the contents of c:\windows\x.zip into -> c:\windows\x\
Create New Folder Window  

Allows the user to create a new folder

1. Specifies the folder name
2. Directory to create folder name in
This example will create the new folder of
c:\windows\my folder\